吉他課過去幾周練習了伴奏技巧,似乎有了一些進步,這周實際應用演奏爵士小號大師Miles Davis的"Tune Up",老師把拍速設定為90,還算勉強可以跟上,但老師說原曲速度是250!!啊~非人啊!Tune Up最早出現在"Blue Haze"專輯,之後的Miles Davis其他專輯也偶爾會再拿來重新演繹。
Miles Davis "Blue Haze"(1954)
http://www.learnjazzstandards.com/ ......his tune is most commonly played in D Major, but the changes also move to C major and Bb major.Because “Tune Up” moves through 3 different tonal centers, this tune is a great for budding jazz musicians to start learning how to approach playing ii-V-Is in different keys. To practice the ii-V-I chord.
"調性從D大調轉換到C大調及降B大調,因為tune up轉換了3個調性,所以非常有助於初學爵士樂者學習和絃2-5-1的進行方式"。
Miles Davis Quartete "Tune Up"(1953)
Miles Davis(trumpet), John Lewis(Piano), Percy Heath(Bass), Max Roach(Drums)
Wes Montgomery "Tune up"