這週的吉他課是Jazz Satndard練習,Someday My Prince Will Come~1937年迪士尼卡通片〈Snow White 白雪公主〉經典3拍子華爾滋抒情芭樂曲(Ballad),成為後世爵士樂手非常喜愛演奏的標準曲目之一,旋律簡單好聽,述說一種期待的甜蜜心情~~


Some day my prince will come
Some day I'll find my love
And how thrilling that moment will be
When the prince of my dreams comes to me
He'll whisper "I love you"
And steal a kiss or two
Though he's far away
I'll find my love some day
Some day when my dreams come true
Some day I'll find my love
Someone to call my own
And I'll know him the moment we meet
For my heart will start skipping a beat
Some day we'll say I do
Things we've been longing to
Though he's far away I'll find my love some day
Some day when my dreams come true.
somewhere waiting for me
there is someone I'm longing to see
someone I simply can't help but adore
someone who'll thrill me forever
someday my prince will come
someday I will find the one
though he's far away
he'll find my love someday
someday when my dreams come true

Dave Brubeck Quartet 1957

Dave Brubeck(P),Paul Deamond(ts),Norman Bates(b),Joe Morello(d)

1965年Bill Evans Trio現場版本

黑暗王子Miles Davis也有偶爾也會明亮一下

Miles Davis(T),John Coltrane(ts),Wynton Kelly(p),Paul Chambers(b),Jimmy Cobb, Philly Joe Jones(d) 1961

Joe Pass老爹也來Guitar Solo



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