------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------我是派脆克,很開心每周二晚上8到9點,在中部爵士太陽電台FM89.1"爵士Fun輕鬆"節目可以跟大家分享爵士樂與生活。爵士樂跟所有的音樂一樣,單純聆聽感受,喜歡更重要!未來節目除了有"好聽"爵士樂外,不定期邀請"品味生活家"來聊生活、分享音樂~希望您跟我們一起輕鬆聽爵士、品味過生活!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 中部地區FM89.1爵士太陽電台,線上收聽:http://hichannel.hinet.net/player/radio/index.jsp?radio_id=289 / 官方網站http://www.sunny891.com.tw 歡迎下載太陽電台Andriod APP

目前分類:吉他課 (6)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

PageOne Cover  

Page One,1963 / Joe Henderson

60年代初期,Bossa Nova音樂類型正紅,由小號手Kenny Dorham肯尼多罕為Joe Henderson喬漢德生所寫"Blue Bossa",收錄在Joe Henderson初試啼聲之作"Page One",結合小調音階與巴莎諾瓦節奏,貝斯手Butch Warren與鼓手Pete La Roca穩定節奏,支持Kenny Dorham與Joe Henderson完美、優美的即興樂句,還有強大的鋼琴手McCoy Tyner,好聽到不行,當然也成為經典的爵士標準曲目之一(Jazz Standards)。


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吉他課過去幾周練習了伴奏技巧,似乎有了一些進步,這周實際應用演奏爵士小號大師Miles Davis的"Tune Up",老師把拍速設定為90,還算勉強可以跟上,但老師說原曲速度是250!!啊~非人啊!Tune Up最早出現在"Blue Haze"專輯,之後的Miles Davis其他專輯也偶爾會再拿來重新演繹。

Miles Davis "Blue Haze"(1954)

Blue Haze  

http://www.learnjazzstandards.com/ ......his tune is most commonly played in D Major, but the changes also move to C major and Bb major.Because “Tune Up” moves through 3 different tonal centers, this tune is a great for budding jazz musicians to start learning how to approach playing ii-V-Is in different keys. To practice the ii-V-I chord.  

"調性從D大調轉換到C大調及降B大調,因為tune up轉換了3個調性,所以非常有助於初學爵士樂者學習和絃2-5-1的進行方式"。

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A Foggy Day(George Gershwin) / Ella Fitzgerald & Joe Pass

I was a stranger in the city
Out of town were the people I knew
I had that feeling of self-pity
What to do? What to do? What to do?
The outlook was decidedly blue
But as I walked through the foggy streets alone
It turned out to be the luckiest day I've known

A foggy day in London Town
Had me low and had me down
I viewed the morning with alarm
The British Museum had lost its charm
How long, I wondered, could this thing last?
But the age of miracles hadn't passed,
For, suddenly, I saw you there
And through foggy London Town
The sun was shining everywhere.


這首1937年由喬治蓋西文所寫的"A Foggy Day"描寫倫敦的霧天,並述說在霧散之後,看到愛人及和煦陽光灑落景緻的心境。

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這週的吉他課是Jazz Satndard練習,Someday My Prince Will Come~1937年迪士尼卡通片〈Snow White 白雪公主〉經典3拍子華爾滋抒情芭樂曲(Ballad),成為後世爵士樂手非常喜愛演奏的標準曲目之一,旋律簡單好聽,述說一種期待的甜蜜心情~~


Some day my prince will come
Some day I'll find my love
And how thrilling that moment will be
When the prince of my dreams comes to me
He'll whisper "I love you"
And steal a kiss or two
Though he's far away
I'll find my love some day
Some day when my dreams come true
Some day I'll find my love
Someone to call my own
And I'll know him the moment we meet
For my heart will start skipping a beat
Some day we'll say I do
Things we've been longing to
Though he's far away I'll find my love some day
Some day when my dreams come true.
somewhere waiting for me
there is someone I'm longing to see
someone I simply can't help but adore
someone who'll thrill me forever
someday my prince will come
someday I will find the one
though he's far away
he'll find my love someday
someday when my dreams come true

Dave Brubeck Quartet 1957

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All of me / 1940 Decembe 17 Recording Session-Swing,Paris

Django Reinhardt et le Quintette du Hot Club de France

Hubert Rostaing (cl); Alix Combelle (cl, ts & chimes); Django Reinhardt (g solo); Joseph Reinhardt (g);Tony Rovira (b); Pierre Fouad (dm)

這禮拜的吉他課是這首經典的爵士標準曲"All of me",老師說這首屬於"吉普賽"風格,講到吉他的吉普賽風格當然就會想到強哥Django Reinhardt,非常快速即興且強烈的搖擺節奏,讓人印象深刻且影響深遠。伍迪艾倫的"甜蜜與卑微"這部片,拍的幾乎就是強哥的人生。

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記得當我第一次聽到Autumn LeavesMiles Davis的演奏版本,在台北西門町Tower Record二樓,時間正值剛進入秋天的某個夜晚,蕭瑟且很有畫面的一首經典標準曲。

從樂譜來看並不艱澀的和絃及旋律,很容易可以上手彈出個樣子,但如果到youtube搜尋,可以找著上千個版本!幾乎所有的爵士樂手都曾經演奏過這首曲目,當然主要樂器的音色也定調了呈現的感覺,Miles Davis trumpt冷冽而孤寂,是深秋景緻。

1979 Barney Kessel這段影片雖然只有5分半鐘,但整曲從吉他solo,到bassdrum合奏,接著即興演奏,相較Miles DavisBarney Kessel吉他溫暖許多,讓樂手擁有極大詮釋空間及完全展現個人特色,或許這就是爵士樂與其他音樂最大不同之處。


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