A Foggy Day(George Gershwin) / Ella Fitzgerald & Joe Pass

I was a stranger in the city
Out of town were the people I knew
I had that feeling of self-pity
What to do? What to do? What to do?
The outlook was decidedly blue
But as I walked through the foggy streets alone
It turned out to be the luckiest day I've known

A foggy day in London Town
Had me low and had me down
I viewed the morning with alarm
The British Museum had lost its charm
How long, I wondered, could this thing last?
But the age of miracles hadn't passed,
For, suddenly, I saw you there
And through foggy London Town
The sun was shining everywhere.


這首1937年由喬治蓋西文所寫的"A Foggy Day"描寫倫敦的霧天,並述說在霧散之後,看到愛人及和煦陽光灑落景緻的心境。



既然是描寫"A Foggy Day",當然就得要那如霧般的迷濛~

輕快愉悅的Red Garland版本~

A Foggy Day / Red Garland Trio / A Garland of Red(1956)

特立獨行的Bass手Charlies Mingus的版本應該要算是最奇特的~製造模仿一些城市中的聲響,試圖擬境,倒也有趣!

A Foggy Day / Charlies Mingus / Pithecanthropus Erectus(1956)


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